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About Justin

Justin is an amazing father and my best friend.  His love for the Lord is evident in the way He makes sacrifices to love us.  He is constantly looking beyond his needs to meet mine and the kids.  He is a strong leader and protector of our family.  We love to laugh together-He is quite the prankster.  He loves all things outdoors and spends most of his weekends taking our kids to sporting events, fishing, playing cards or watching good movies.   

About us

Sarah is proof that God gives grace to those who don't deserve it. I could not have created a woman better designed for me. She is one of the brightest lights in my life.


She is such a joy to everyone she comes in contact with, full of energy. Her love seems endless, her patience is never spent and her humility feeds her forgiving spirit.

Motherhood is something that has come naturally to Sarah. She is so nurturing, even to me. Her servants heart keeps her busy cleaning, preparing and creating something for somebody. Acts of love are therapeutic for her.  -Justin

About Sarah

We love to be together! Now let's be honest, this doesn't mean that we all get along 24/7. We get on each others nerves, but we are a family that lives by God's grace and are quick to repent and forgive one another.  In our free time we like to take short trips to State Parks to hike, visit the Zoo, Six Flags, or just to swim at Justin's parents house.  Our children range in age from 5 to 12 years old.  They are so excited to welcome a baby into our family.

Our Legacy 

We want to leave a strong legacy of love, joy, compassion, and contentment in Christ. We want our children to grow up to love Christ above all else. We believe that it is our responsibility and privilege to share the gospel with our children through our daily lives together.  We want our children to see that we don't strive to have worldly gains like money or things, but that we strive to grow in our knowledge and understanding of who God is. 

Our Beginning

Justin and I met in the fall of 2006. His Mother and sister introduced us and we went on our first date in November. We both had such similar backgrounds, families, and interests. We knew right away we wanted a relationship with each other and we have been inseparable ever since! After dating for several months Justin asked me to marry him. We have been married for almost 10 years. God has truly given me a gift in Justin.  -Sarah

It only took me a few months to realize that Id be an absolute fool not to ask this woman to marry me. So I did, best decision I ever made.       -Justin

Our Promise

More than anything we want you to know that we will love, cherish, and encourage your child to grow into the Godly man or woman that he/she was created to be. We will encourage and help them develop the gifts and talents that God has given them. We will seek to educate them in a way that teaches them what good character and true virtue mean.

We are the Brown family from West TN.  We are so excited to grow our family through adoption. We have adopted all four of our children. Adoption always has and always will be a very familiar topic in our home. We love Christ and believe that earthly adoption is but a shadow of what God has already done for His people, and we are all thrilled to have the opportunity to mirror the gospel in this unique way.   

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